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European Union Food Sector after the last enlargements - conclusions for the future CAP


Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics - National Research Institute organised International scientific conference "European Union Food Sector after the last enlargements - conclusions for the future CAP" The Conference took place in Rajgród, in Lake Region of Poland 14 ? 16 of June 2011. 
The aim of the conference was to evaluate Common Agriculture Policy after two last enlargements. The Conference was chaired by Prof. Andrzej Kowalski, who delivered presentation "Assessment of the development conditions and challenges for the agri-food sector in Poland at the background of the global trends". During the conference papers concerned with experience with implementation of Common Agricultural Policies instruments were presented: 

Discussions flowing presentations pointed out necessity to redefine the Common Agriculture Policy instruments to challenge the problems of global agriculture. 

Ewa Sierakowska
Ewa Sierakowska

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