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International Conference in Rawa Mazowiecka


On May 12-14, 2014 Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics - National Research Institute organised international conference entitled "Achievements and challenges in the food sector and rural areas during the 10 years after EU enlargement". The conference, under the multiannual research program "Competitiveness of Polish food economy in the conditions of globalization and European integration” took place in the Conference Centre Ossa in Rawa Mazowiecka. The aim of the conference was to present results of studies, conducted by leading European research centres of agricultural economics, on effects of implementation of the Common Agricultural Policy. In particular, objective of the event was recognition of socio-economic changes occurring in agriculture and food industry of the new EU Member States over the last ten years, but also: to assess the sustainability of these phenomena, the similarities and differences between countries, as well as their impact on the agribusiness in terms of regional and global development.


The first day of the conference – 12 May

Session I

Session II

Dr Norbert Potori – Hungarian food processing on a slippery slope
Dr Vesna Miličić, dr Anton Perpar, dr Noureddin Driouech, dr Hamid El Bilali, dr Sinisa Berjan – Slovenian agriculture and rural areas in the post-accession period: achievements and challeneges ahead
Prof. William H. Meyers – Agricultural and Food Develeopment in Lithuania during the first 10 years of accession
Prof. Masahiko Gemma – Productivity Growth in Agricultural Production for New Member Countries and Established Countries in the European Union: implications for Polish Agriculture

The second day of the conference – 13 May

Session III 

Prof. Doucha Tomáš, Prof. Mezera Josef – Czech food industry after 10 10 years enetring the new programme period of 2014-2020 - annotation
Prof. Bernardo Pacheco de Carvalho – Regulations, Markets and Economic Efficiency: Food Security and Sustainable Development
Prof. Szczepan Figiel, Cezary Klimkowski, Justyna Kufel – Consequences of introducing the euro for the Polish foreign trade in agri-food products


Prof. Věra Majerová, dr Tomáš Pilař, dr Jakub Petr – Czech Countryside: Development After EU Enlargement 
Prof. Agnieszka Wrzochalska – Selected factors of human capital formation in rural areas after Poland's accession to the EU

The third day of the conference – 14 May

Session V

Prof. Jacek Kulawik, Justyna Góral – Capitalization of subsidies in agriculture

Dr Dariusz Osuch, dr Marek Wigier – Structural transformations as a result or the support for investments in agriculture during Poland's membership in the EU

Prof. Wojciech Józwiak, Jolanta Sobierajewska, Marek Zieliński – Changes in the number of farms with the competitive ability run by natural persons
Prof. Dimitre Nikolov, dr Petar Borisov, dr Teodor Radev – Chalenges and perspectives for small farms in Bulgaria                    

Session VI

Dr Piotr Szajner – Changes in the Polish sugar market during the membership in the EU
Dr Teodora Stoeva – Organizational and economic issues and challenges of open-field vegetable production in Plovdiv region after the EU enlargement
Prof. Drago Cvijanović, dr Branko Mihailović, dr Predrag Vuković – Achievements and chllenges in rural areas of Serbia before joining the EU


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