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Seminar: Structural changes in Hungarian agriculture since EU accession


On 19.06.2013 r. the Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics - National Research Institute held seminar entitled "Structural changes in Hungarian agriculture since EU accession".

The speakers were researchers from the Research Institute of Agricultural Economics (Agrárgazdasági Kutató és Informatikai Intézet - AKI) in Budapest (Hungary). The seminar was a part of bilateral research by AKI and IAFE-NRI entitled "A comparison study on the structural changes in Polish and Hungarian agriculture since EU accession. Lessons learned for the designing of agricultural policies post 2013". The aim of the study is to compare structural changes in areas of common interest, to draw conclusions and to provide support to policy makers in context of the implementation of the Common Agricultural Policy in 2014-2020. The outcome of the research will be a book printed by AKI, Budapest.

The seminar under the patronage of dr. Iván Gyurcsík, Hungarian Ambassador to Poland.


Program of the seminar


10.00: Opening


10.15 – 11.30: Session 1

Norbert Potori

Role of agriculture in the national economy

Szabolcs Vago, Ibolya Lamfalusi and Beata Felkai

Development of food industry

Anikó Juhász, Gyöngyi Jankuné Kürthy and Dorottya Szabó

Structural changes in the food-chain

11.30 – 11.45: Coffee break


11.45 – 12.45: Session 2

József Fogarasi and Kristóf Tóth

Financing of agriculture and investment support in agriculture

Szabolcs Biró and Orsolya Tóth

Land tenure systems

12.45-13.15 Lunch break


13.15-14.30: Session 3

Erika Székely and Andrew Fieldsend

Rural extension systems

Éva Vőneki

Development of the dairy sector

Robert Garay

Development of the sugar sector

14.30: General discussion

Working language: English.

Kamila Sobiecka
Kamila Sobiecka

Visited: 12226