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International Conference IAFE-NRI in Ciechocinek


On 10-12 December 2012, in Ciechocinek international conference was held "Economic, social and institutional factors in the growth of agri-food sector in Europe".

The Conference was organized by the Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics - National Research Institute. The aim of the conference was to discuss the results of research and analysis on the changes in the agri-food sector and rural areas in Europe. During the three-day meeting, the issues were discussed such as globalization, the economic crisis, support for agriculture, agricultural policy. Papers presented and the discussions were related to the situation in agriculture, both in Poland and other European and non-European countries.

The conference was attended by about 125 participants, including 30 from abroad. The representatives from the following foreign research centers participated in the conference: Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, CER France Amiens Association d’Economie Rurale, MTT Agrifood Research Finland, Johann Heinrich von Thunen - Institut Bundesforschungsinstitut für Ländliche Räume, Wald und Fischerei  Bundesallee, Waseda University – Tokyo, Sogn og Fjordane University College, The Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Institute of Agricultural Economics in Bucharest, Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, Sankt-Petersburg State University of Economics of Finance, The University of Banja Luka,  The Research Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics Slovak Republic, National University of Food Technologies  Ukraine, Agricultural University in Plovdiv Bulgaria, Lithuanian Institute of Agrarian Economics, Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Central and Eastern Europe (IAMO), University in Bonn, National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine, Hungarian Research Institute of Agricultural Economics (AKI) Hungary. In addition, the conference was attended by representatives of many national institutions.

The First day of the Conference - 11.XII


Plenary session I                                                                                       

prof. Ernst BergImpacts of Global Development on European Agriculture

prof. E. Majewski, dr A. Wąs -Przewidywanie skutków zmian polityki rolnej z zastosowaniem wybranych narzędzi modelowania

prof. A Balmann - Structural Trends and Challenges for the Farm Sector in Central and Eastern Europe

dr L. Goraj - Dochody i akumulacja gospodarstw w wybranych krajach UE według FADN


Plenary session II                                                                                      

prof. V. MajerovaEconomic crisis in rural areas of the Czech Republic and Slovakia                                                          

prof. A. Sikorska - Wspólna Polityka Rolna a obrót gruntami rolnymi w Polsce

prof. W. KleinhanssChange of Productivity in German Dairy Farms                      

prof. M. Puurunen - Agricultural policy supporting the structural development of farms and other rural enterprises in Finland

The Second day of the Conference - 11.XII

Plenary session III                                                                                  

prof. W. Rembisz, dr A Bezat - Renta polityczna i ekonomiczna a dochód producenta rolnego

prof. J. Kulawik, mgr inż. A. Kagan, dr B. Wieliczko - Czy równe dopłaty bezpośrednie w UE byłyby sprawiedliwe?

A. Volkov - Impact of the CAP support measures on the agriculturalsector in Lithuania

mgr W. Łopaciuk - Wpływ WPR na decyzje rolników w świetle badań własnych


I Parallel sessions                                                                                     

prof. V. Vagizova, prof. M. Lebedeva - The Russian Agribusiness Sector and WTO: advantages and disadvantages

prof. T. Mostenskaya - The development of agro-industrial complex of Ukraine: trends, problems and prospects

prof. D. Grekov, prof. N. Bencheva - Regional restructuring and modernization of Bulgarian dairy sector after the accession to the EU


II Parallel sessions                                                                                   

prof. O. Bukve - Rozwój rolnictwa i obszarów wiejskich na przykładzie Norwegii ♦ Agriculture and rural development - the case of Norway

prof. G. Popescu - Romanian agricultural support - a failed experiment

prof. V. Zhuk - Scientific Rationale of Strategic Grain Reserves Formation: Prospects of Ukraine in the Context of Globalization

dr G. Rokvić- International trade arrangements and their impact on food sector development in Balcan Region Countries

prof. M. Gemma - Sources of Growth in Agriculture: An International Comparison

The third day of the Conference - 12.XII

Plenary session IV                                                                                    

dr  Š. Buday, inż. I. Masár - Social and economic assumptions of employment increase in fruit and vegetable sector of Slovakia

dr I. Szczepaniak - Ocena jakościowo-cenowych strategii konkurowania w polskim handlu produktami rolno-spożywczymi

dr C. Alboiu - The dynamics of agri-food systems and institutional impacts on vegetable producers

dr C. Jansik - Comparison of the grain supply chains between Poland and Finland

dr Sz. Nemeth - Structural and market changes in the Hungarian fruit industry


Plenary session V                                                                                    

prof. W. Ziętara, prof. W. Józwiak - Instytucjonalne ograniczenia wzrostu i rozwoju polskich gospodarstw rolnych

dr W. Wrzaszcz - Poziom zrównoważenia indywidualnych gospodarstw rolnych

dr P. Y. Lelong - Development of management in agricultural holdings

dr I. Berczi - The Hungarian Horticulture Sector: Market overview and analysis of outdoor and greenhouse farms


Conference programme

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Ewa Sierakowska
Ewa Sierakowska
Ewa Sierakowska
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