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The representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management of Serbia made an


According to the TAIEX program, the representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture, Trade, Forestry and Water Management of Serbia made an official visit to the IAFE-NRI on June 7th, 2011. The aim of the meeting was to acquaint the visitors with the methods of forecasting used by IAFE-NRI for analyzing the agricultural sector. During the meeting Dr Piotr Szajner explained the general rules of analyzing agricultural markets and preparing market reports. Afterwards Jan Świetlik, MSc. described the peculiarities of the fruit and vegetable market which make it difficult to forecast harvests or prices. The Serbian guests paid close attention to the presentation given by Dr Mariusz Hamulczuk on forecasting the behaviour on agricultural markets by means of relevant models. Then the method of estimating the agricultural incomes with the use of the Economic Accounts for Agriculture was presented by Dr Zbigniew Floriańczyk. At the end of the meeting Dr Lech Goraj made a presentation on forecasting and assessing the impact of the agricultural policy on economic results of farms with the use of FADN database.


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