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On July 26th, 2011 the meeting with Spanish representatives of the World Rural Forum


On July 26th, 2011 the meeting with Spanish representatives of the World Rural Forum Mrs Christine Wolf and Mr José Antonio Osaba took place at the Institute of Agricultural and Food Economy - NRI. Institute was represented by Zbigniew Floriańczyk PhD, Marek Wigier PhD, Bożena Karwat-Woźniak PhD, Michał Dudek MSc., and Joanna Buks MSc. The aim of the visit was to establish cooperation with Institute within Family Farming Campaign in favor of an International Year of Family Farming ? IYFF planned on 2014. During a visit guests to acquainted workers with WRF, situation of Family Farming worldwide and in Europe and also with objectives, estimated results and collaboration of the Campaign for an International Year of Family Farming. Afterwards Zbigniew Floriańczyk PhD, informed about organizational structure of the Institute and presented statutory activities and Multi-Annual Programme is being implemented by the Institute. During the meeting research issue undertaken by Social and Regional Policy Department was presented by Bożena Karwat-Woźniak PhD and Michał Dudek PhD. Particularly they evidenced the position of family-farms in structures of the Polish agriculture. In turn the Marek Wigier PhD answering questions of guests characterized the policy of supporting of holdings in Poland from resources national and of Union. Delegates WRF after recognization with the specificity of assignments realized by the Institute expressed the interest of the collection of the cooperation with the Institute and utilizations of findings in compositions WRF.


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