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CERGE-EI Twelfth Annual Global Development Network Regional Research Competition


Research project "Urban-rural connections: local policy and livehood strategies" of Paweł Chmielinski and Michal Dudek (IAFE-NRI) has been awarded in CERGE-EI Twelfth Annual Global Development Network Regional Research Competition and will be implemented in 2012.

Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education Economics Institute (CERGE-EI) is the Central and East European (CEE) Regional Network representative for the Global Development Network (GDN), which operates under the umbrella of the World Bank.

The aim of the study is to analyse the livelihood strategies of rural families, depending on the endogenous conditions, economic and infrastructural environment, and local development policies. The study conducted will allow us to determine the typical livelihood strategies of rural families, in the context of the transitions occurring in rural development, socio-economic and institutional environment. The study results will also lead to universal conclusions which can be used by policy makers, not only in Poland but also in other countries which are struggling with the problems of depopulation and marginalising of villages, and which are searching for clues in the process of shaping the local development policies.

Ewa Sierakowska
Ewa Sierakowska

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