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Visit of a delegation from Chinese Jiangsu province


On 18 December 2018, the Institute of Agricultural Economics and Food Economy - National Research Institute hosted a delegation of representatives of the following institutions: Nanjing Municipal Bureau of Commerce, Nanjing Jiangbei New District Management Committee, China Information Development Inc., Ltd. Shanghai, Nanjing Guoguo Food Co ., Ltd., Jiangsu Huanong Agricultural Market Management Company and Jiangsu Hongkun Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the possibilities of cooperation and to  present the Chinese delegation the key issues related to the functioning and development of Polish agriculture and agri-food industry with particular attention to the problem of food safety.

The members of the Chinese delegation were:

1. Shen Yan - Director, Nanjing Municipal Bureau of Commerce;

2. Li Qinchun - Deputy Director, Nanjing Municipal Bureau of Commerce;

3. Lyu Cen - Deputy Director, Nanjing Jiangbei New District Management Committee;

4. Wang Chaofa - Deputy Director, Nanjing Administration for Industry & Commerce;

5. Wang Li - General Manager of East China Region, China Information Development Inc., Ltd. Shanghai;

6. Jiang Yuejun - President, Nanjing Guoguo Food Co., Ltd;

7. Hu Shunhua - President, Jiangsu Huanong Agricultural Market Management Company;

8. Xu Zhifei - Strategic Business Development Director, Jiangsu Hongkun Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd.

The IAFE-NRI was represented by the following researchers: Stanisław Kowalczyk, Barbara Wieliczko, Paweł Chmieliński and Małgorzata Bułkowska.

During the visit to the IAFE-NRI, the delegation from China had the opportunity to get to know the subjects of research conducted by the Institute. The following presentations were presented:

Barbara Wieliczko - presented the activities of the Institute of Agricultural Economics and Food Economy - National Research Institute;

Stanisław Kowalczyk - presented the system of monitoring and control of food safety in Poland;

Paweł Chmieliński - discussed the international cooperation of IAFE-NRI and ERDN activities and presented a presentation on the functioning and development of short supply chains in Poland;

Małgorzata Bułkowska - presented commercial relations between Poland and the PRC in the field of trade in food and agricultural products.

Ewa Sierakowska
Ewa Sierakowska
Ewa Sierakowska
Visited: 10971