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Visit of a delegation from Chinese Yancheng city


On 28th March 2019, the Institute of Agricultural Economics and Food Economy - National Research Institute hosted a delegation of representatives of the following institutions:

The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the possibilities of cooperation and to present the Chinese delegation the key issues related to the functioning and development of Polish agriculture and agri-food industry with particular attention to environmental issues.

The members of the Chinese delegation were:

  1. Yin Jinlai – Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of Yancheng Municipal People’s Congress, Jiangsu Province.
  2. Yang Gang – Director of Personnel and Representation Committee of The Standing Committee of Yancheng Municipal People’s Congress, Jiangsu Province.
  3. Wang Futong – Deputy Director of Yancheng Municipal Agriculture Committee, Jiangsu Province.
  4. Hong Lizhou – Station Chief of Xinyang Agriculture Experimental Station, Jiangsu Province.
  5. Zhou Xiaoqing – Deputy Director of Yancheng Municipal Foreign Affairs Office, Jiangsu Province.

The IAFE-NRI was represented by the following researchers: Konrad Prandecki, Wioletta Wrzaszcz, Barbara Wieliczko and Marcin Żekało.

During the visit to the IAFE-NRI, the delegation from China had the opportunity to get to know the subjects of research conducted by the Institute. The following presentations were presented:

Barbara Wieliczko - presented the activities of the Institute of Agricultural Economics and Food Economy - National Research Institute;

Konrad Prandecki - discussed the problem of external effects related to agricultural activity and the issue of assessing them;

Wioletta Wrzaszcz - showed a presentation entitled “Sustainable intensification vs. farms` economic outcomes – the case of Poland”;

Marcin Żekało - discussed the results of research on the functioning of Polish ecological farms involved in the breeding of dairy cows.

Ewa Sierakowska
Ewa Sierakowska
Ewa Sierakowska
Visited: 11636