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The 8th Annual EuroMed Academy Of Business Conference, Verona, Italy September 16-18, 2015


8th Annual EuroMed Academy of Business Conference

Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Value Chain in a Dynamic Environment

that will take place in Verona, Italy September 16-18, 2015

The EuroMed Academy of Business annual conference has been established  by the EuroMed Research Business Institute, as one of the major Business Management conferences of its kind in the EuroMed (European and Mediterranean) region, in terms of size, quality of content, and standing reputation of attendees. Many of the papers presented contribute significantly to the business knowledge base. Its book of proceedings is highly recognized (indexed by ISI Thomson Reuters) and accepted to be under citation. Many papers are published in Special Issues in leading journals, and are driving international research and teaching programs. The conference attracts hundreds of leading scholars from leading universities, as well as principal executives and politicians from all over the world.  Past 7 conferences took place in Marsailles (France), Salerno (Italy), Nicosia (Cyprus), Elounda (Crete), Montreaux (Switzerland), Estoril (Portugal) and Kristianand (Norway).

Professor Andrzej Kowalski (IAFE-NRI) is a Member of the Scientific Committee of the 2015 Conference.

Agri-business related tracks of the Conference:

54. Agribusiness Economics & Management: Policy, Financing and Decision Support Systems in Agriculture

55. Agribusiness in Rural Development

56. Food marketing and sustainability

57. Food and agriculture: shifting to a consumer-led model

58. Sustainable and Socially Responsible Food Supply Chains

58a. New network models for the development of the agri-food sector

For all Conference Tracks and details concerning above mentioned topics visit:

First submission deadline was March 23th, 2015 but the call for abstracts is still open to late submissions!

Visit for more information!

Ewa Sierakowska
Ewa Sierakowska
Ewa Sierakowska
Visited: 2304