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Session I 14.30-16.30

Agriculture development strategy versus selection and integration institutions

Prof. Andrzej Kowalski, Prof. Włodzimierz Rembisz, Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics National Research Institute (Poland)


The economic importance of the CAP in terms of agricultural production in Hungary and its implications after 2020

Szabolcs Biró PhD, János Sávoly PhD, Norbert Potori PhD, Research Institute of Agricultural Economics (Hungary)

The present investment supports to Czech farms and their expected future under the CAP 2020+

Marie Pechrová PhD, Prof. Tomáš Doucha, Ondřej Chaloupka MSc, Institute of Agricultural Economics and Information (Czech Republic)


Reform or status quo? Member States preferences for the agricultural budget after 2020

Prof. Renata Grochowska, Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics National Research Institute (Poland)


Session II 17.00-18.40

Megatrends in the contemporary world economy

Prof. Szczepan Figiel, Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics National Research Institute (Poland)


Strategies for the agri-food sector and rural areas – dilemmas of development

Ovidija Eičaite MSc, Vida Dabkiene PhD, Lithuanian Institute of Agrarian Economics (Lithuanian Republic)


Strategic dilemmas of rural and agricultural policy in Poland

Prof. Józef St. Zegar, Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics National Research Institute (Poland)


Implementation of „Blue Ocean” strategy in Poland and Ukraine agricultural sectors: current status, opportunities and growth prospects

Vasyl D. Zalizko PhD, National Research Center „Institute of Agrarian Economy”, National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine (Ukraine)


Session III 14.00-15.40

Importance of the policies to induce product differentiation in agricultural product and food markets for the benefits of producers and consumers

Prof. Masahiko Gemma, Waseda University (Japan), Prof. Szczepan Figiel, Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics National Research Institute (Poland)


Models and directions of development of food supply chains

Prof. Sebastian Jarzębowski, Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics National Research Institute (Poland)


Competitiveness of the food supply chains – A comparative study of Germany, Denmark, Sweden and Finland

Prof. Csaba Jansik, MTT Agrifood Research Finland (Finland)


Sustainability performance in dairy farms of Baltic States

Maire Nurmet Phd, Kristiina Reidla Phd, University of Tartu (Estonian Republic)


Session IV 16.10-17.50

Social cohesion, changes in rural society and the stability of the agricultural sector in the Czech Republic

Prof. Věra Majerová, Jiří Sálus Ing., Petera Juránková Ing., Czech University of Life Sciences (Czech Republic)

Product restructuring of Bulgarian agriculture – dilemmas and strategic directions

Julia Doitchinova Doc. PhD, Hristina Harizanova-Bartos Doc. PhD, Albena Miteva Doc. PhD, University of National and World Economy (Republic of Bulgaria)

Wine industry as a source of rural growth and development

Prof. Drago Cvijanović, Đurđica Jojić Novaković, MSc, Željko Vojinović PhD, University of Kragujevac (Republic of Serbia)


Session V 9.00-11.00

Strategic aspects of the development of the sugar sector in Poland after the reform of market regulation in 2017

Dr Piotr Szajner, Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics National Research Institute (Poland)

The possibility to reach meat self-sufficiency in Romania in the long term

Cecilia Alexandri PhD, Lucian Luca PhD, Iuliana Ionel PhD, Mariana Grodea PhD, Institute of Agricultural Economics of the Romanian Academy (Romania)

Assessment of the level of territorial cohesion in terms of technical infrastructure in rural areas compared to cities

Prof. Danuta Kołodziejczyk, Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics National Research Institute (Poland)

Small-scale organic farmers – source of growth in the B&H agri-food sector

Alen Mujčinović MSc, Aleksandra Nikolić PhD, Mirza Uzunović MSc, University of Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina)

Session VI 11.20-13.00

The role of agriculture for income and employment in the Bulgarian rural areas

Bozhidar Ivanov PhD, Emilia Sokolova PhD, Institute of Agricultural Economics (Republic of Bulgaria)

Potential of landscape features for implementation of green direct payments in Czech farmed landscape

Marie Trantinová Ing. PhD, Ivana Darmovzalová Ing., Michal Brokl Ing., Jan Ausficír Institute of Agricultural Economics and Information (Czech Rupublic)

Why Large Farms dominate and rural areas struggle in Slovakia?

Marián Tóth PhD Ing., Ivan Holúbek PhD Ing., Tomáš Rábek PhD Ing., Zuzana Strápeková PhD Ing., Peter Serenčéš doc. PhD Ing., Department of Finance Faculty of Economics and Management SUA in Nitra (Slovak Republic)

How to create a good strategy for the development of agri-food sector?

dr Barbara Wieliczko, Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics National Research Institute (Poland)

Ewa Sierakowska
Ewa Sierakowska
Ewa Sierakowska
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