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CEI Support to Research and Policy to Advance the Ukrainian Agri-Food Sector: Workshop


On July 10, 2024, the Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics - National Research Institute (IAFE NRI) conducted an introductory hybrid seminar on CAP Strategic Plans. This online workshop aimed to provide a comprehensive introduction to the European Union's Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and its implications for Ukraine's agricultural sector.

Agenda Highlights:

- Opening Remarks

- Overview of Current Project Implementation

- CAP Background and Major Reforms

- Financial Dimensions and Support Evolution

- Team Research Goals and Objectives

- Q&A Session

- Closing Remarks 

Key Discussions:

- The conceptual foundation, evolution, and significant reforms of CAP, including the transition to performance-based approaches and sustainability measures.

- The financial dimensions of CAP and the evolution of support mechanisms from agricultural products to public goods.

- Current state and progress of the project, including future participation in relevant symposiums and preparation of research proposals.

Tools4CAP Toolkit and Training Videos:

During the workshop, participants were introduced to the Tools4CAP toolkit (attached to this email), which aids in strategic planning and policy impact assessments. Participants are encouraged to review the document and familiarize themselves with CAP tools and processes designed to guide the conducting of research, creating Strategic Plans, and providing policy recommendations.

The following links to short training videos on CAP elaborate on the presentation and discussions during the workshop.  These short videos provide participants with additional resources for understanding the policy's history, framework, and applications introduced during the workshop.

Links to Training Videos on CAP:

- Agricultural Subsidies: What Is the Common Agricultural Policy? (

- Timeline: The Common Agricultural Policy

Follow-On Online Workshop in Mid-August

Building on the foundations laid during the July 10 workshop, a follow-on online workshop is scheduled for mid-August 2024. This session will delve deeper into the strategic planning aspects and practical applications of CAP principles tailored to the Ukrainian context.

Planned Activities:

- Detailed analysis and discussion of CAP principles and their relevance to Ukraine.

- Strategic policy design training focusing on the new delivery model.

- Practical exercise and case study to apply CAP principles in real-world scenarios.

- Continued integration and demonstration of Tools4CAP.

Study Tour to Poland in September

The Odesa National Economics University (ONEU) team will visit Poland in September 2024 on a study tour. This tour, tentatively planned for 16 to 21 September, will provide hands-on experience and insights into the application of CAP strategies within the EU framework.

Key Objectives:

- Sharing practical experiences and best practices in strategy preparation with IAFE NRI experts.

- Conducting hands-on training sessions and meetings with key stakeholders, including government agencies, agriculture and trade associations, and other groups.

- Drafting a research process and framework for agriculture policy strategies and action plans for the Odesa region.


The July 10 workshop successfully set the stage for forthcoming activities aimed at aligning Ukraine's agricultural policies with EU standards. The follow-on workshop in August and the study tour to Poland in September are critical next steps in this strategic initiative, enhancing the research, policy-making, and strategic planning capabilities of ONEU.  A goal of the joint research of IAFE NRI and ONEU is to collect and analyze information necessary to draft the strategic plans and policy recommendations essential for policymakers, agricultural firms, farmers, and rural communities as Ukraine prepares to join the EU. 


Workshop Presentation (July 10, 2024)

Tools4CAP Toolkit


Kamila Tomaszewska
Paweł Szczepanik
Paweł Szczepanik
Visited: 536