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You are here: Scientific research > FADN


Legal basis for the Polish FADN is the Act on collecting and use of accountancy data from agricultural farms of 29 November 2000
(OJ No. 3 item 20 with later amendments). This act went into force on the day of accession of Poland to the European Union, which means on the 1st of May 2004.

Main objective of Polish FADN

Delivery of farm accountancy data from representative sample of farms to the European Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN).

Interim goals of Polish FADN

Farm accountancy data collected in the framework of Polish FADN will lead to realisation of interim goals, namely:

  • Provide information to governmental bodies. Farm accountancy data are necessary data for member states representatives for negotiations on the EC forum on implementations of the national support schemes and Common Agricultural Policy.
  • Provide information for farmers representatives. Farm accountancy data are necessary data for farmers representatives for negotiations with governmental bodies concerning conditions of farm functioning and initiatives for national support schemes.
  • Provide information for research and science community. Farm accountancy data are the empirical base for different analysis.
  • Provide information for advisors. Farm accountancy data will be grouped according to different criteria which will help for example in preparation of business plan.
  • Provide information for farmers participating in the Polish FADN. Farm accountancy data are the empirical base for making different type of reports useful within decision making process.


Standard products of Polish FADN

  • Under the regular procedure of functioning of Polish FADN the standard products are predicted. Between them it can be named:
  • Computer data base - in this base on the yearly basis data from about 12.200 agricultural holdings are gathered. Each holding in data base is  characterized by over 2,5 thousand parameters.
  • Individual Report of Agricultural Holding - is created authomaticaly for each agricultural holding participating in Polish FADN.
  • The FADN Farm Return structure and content in line with the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/220 of 3 February 2015 laying down rules for the application of Council Regulation (EC) No 1217/2009 setting up a network for the collection of accountancy data on the incomes and business operation of agricultural holdings in the European Union with amendments.
  • Comparison report of individual farm with the group of the similar farms - this report is created on request of farmers, after closure of data base for the requested accountancy year.
  • Standard Results for groups of holdings participating in the Polish FADN - fully comparable structure with the European Commission Standard Results report.


Kamila Tomaszewska
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